Assam Techno School School in the playground



Assam Techno School believes in providing a home-away-from-home environment to the Boarders. The Hostel will be under the direct supervision of the Principal, who is also the Warden, assisted by other Resident Masters and Matrons who reside on the campus. Children from Standard I and above are eligible to be admitted to the Boarding, The children will enjoy wholesome and nutritious food.


Transportation facilities are available for students residing in and around Hazipara. Drivers and conductors have sole responsibility for their respective routes and they are qualified above HSLC to be passionately committed to ensuring the safety of the children entrusted to their care. For further details regarding transportation, please contact the office.

Play Ground

There is a beautiful open space cum play ground provided with Out door play items which will help in physical & mental development of the students. Moreover In door play items are also provided for pre-primary students for re-creation.

Health Camps

Regular health camps will be conducted at the school premises by experienced Doctors and Health workers to educate the students regarding cleanliness, hygiene and preventive measures of diseases.